Welcome to the academic homepage of Dr. Wolf-Georg Zaddach!
This pages shall give you a brief overview about my academic work. Feel free to contact me via wolf-georg.zaddach [at] t-online.de If you’re interested in my work as a musician and composer, please have a look at my musician homepage! NEWS/ August 2023
Published: A new peer-reviewed paper on „Artistic Research in Popular Music: A Critical Evaluation of Potentials and Challenges“, Open-Access in the IASPM Journal.
/ July 2023
Published: A joint paper with Klaus Frieler (Max Planck Institut for Empirical Aesthetics) and Swen Meyer (Festland Studios, Hamburg), on music production and AI (in German): „Künstliche Intelligenz in der Musikproduktion“, in: Musik und Internet. Phänomene populärer Musikkulturen, hrsg. v. Peter Moormann & Nicolas Ruth, Wiesbaden: SpringerVS.
/ June 2023
I’m presenting on the relationship between music, the climate crisis and environmental sustainability at the international IASPM conference in Minneapolis on June 30.
/ March-April 2023
I’m happy to announce 2 new jobs:
1/ I’m startign as post-doc at the DFG and AHRC funded project „Songwriting Camps in the 21st Century“ at Leuphana University. Our partner at UK is Jan Herbst as PI at the Huddersfield University.
2/ I’m joining the team around Johannes Kretz at the Artistic Research Center at University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw Wien) as Research Assistant. I will be supervising PhD-students and continue researching on artistic research.
/ March 2023
Since autumn 2022, several news came up in regard to publications, conference papers and jobs. I’m especially happy that my paper on music and climate change was published in October, as well as a statement on artistic research and musicology.
Furthermore, I presented on AI and songwriting and composition together with my former student at Popakademie Baden-Würtemberg, Björn Tillmann, which will also be published later this year.
In February, I joined the 3rd international conference of the International Network for Artistic Research in Jazz in Vienna and presented on current challenges and future developments. In March, the 2nd workshop of my DFG-network Artistic Music Research took place at Anton-Bruckner-University (ABPU) in Linz including a panel discussion at the Research Forum of the ABPU.
/ 2022 July I’m looking forward to present on artistic music research at the international IASPM D-A-CH/GfPM conference in Vienna from Oct 20-22,2022. The title of my presentation is: ’Epistemic inertia’, ‘epistemic injustice’ and ‘epistemic mosaics’: Artistic research as a new paradigm and its potential for popular music studies/ May 2022
I’m grateful for the invitation by the HfMT Hamburg to talk about artistic research as a guest speaker on May 10. I’m talking about „RE:Search. Current debates, challenges and perspectives of Artistic Music Research“
/ Apr 2022
I’m looking forward to 2 amazing events in Austria in June: 1. International conference: „Jazz Re:Search in 21st-Century Academia and Beyond“ at KUG Graz 2. International Workshop „Doing Thinking in Jazz: The Infinite Art of Preparing for Improvisation“ at Gustav Mahler Privatuniversität Klagenfurt + Jam Music Lab Unviersität Wien.
At both, I will be talking and performing in the context of artistic research. Especially the event in Klagenfurt is very exciting, since it will be an amazing international group of artist-researchers followed by a publication.
Thanks to Michael Kahr for making it all happen!
/ Febr 2022
I’m happy to announce a new publication about AI and improvisation on the cross-roads of practice-based and MIR research. The research is a team effort wit Dr. Klaus Frieler (Max-Planck-Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt/Main), the double-blind peer-reviewed article can be found here: http://doi.org/10.5334/tismir.87
Also, the new DFG-network Artistic Music Research met for the first time online. Soon there will be updates with a new homepage, etc.
- about artistic research and popular music in the special issue on practice-based research of the international peer-reviewed journal of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music, IASPM@journal, release date late 2022/early 2023.
- about artistic reseach as methodology for popular music studies, with Michael Kahr, as part of the extensive Handbook of Popular Music Methodologies (Intellect), ed. by Mike Dines, Fiorenzo Palermo and Shara Rambarran, release date late 2022, early 2023.
I’ll be presenting about climate crisis and popular music at the 4th IASPM D-A-CH Conference @ Paderborn University, 11. – 13. March 2021, online
/February 2021
I got an „innovation grant“ from the Faculty of Musicology, Music pedagogy and Music Theory at the University of Music for a lecturer series on digital music cultures: „‚Sounding Future – Future (Is) Sound‘: Digitale Transformation der Musikkultur. Aktuelle Debatten und Perspektiven“
[October 2020]
The event of the Goethe Institute Caracas, Venzuela, originally planned for April 2020, can finally happen as part of the Metal en Casa-Program: 45min lecture about heavy metal in Germany followed by a Q&A as an online event.
[September 2020]
I took part at the annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Popularmusikforschung and presented about Artistic Research and its potentials for popular music studies.
[July 2020]
I was invited to a round table discussion and presentation about heavy metal in the GDR by the Stiftung Ettersberg at the memorial Andreassstraße in Erfurt Germany, a former Stasi prison, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MemxiniQ_A
The German TV television MDR took the chance to interview me briefly and created an interesting short documentary: https://www.ardmediathek.de/mdr/video/mdr-thueringen-journal/zeitreise-in-die-heavy-metal-szene-der-ddr/mdr-thueringen/Y3JpZDovL21kci5kZS9iZWl0cmFnL2Ntcy80YjFlZWUwZi1kNzkyLTQxY2UtYTFkOC1iNjQwOWM3ZDMyNGM/
[February 2020] The Germanbroadcasting MDR interviewed me about heavy metal in the GDR. In 2019, I gave several interviews to share my research with the public, for a full list see here.
[February 2020] The Goethe-Institut Caracas, Venezuela invited me to a lecture and workshop about heavy metal in Germany and heavy metal as academic topic for April 25/26. UPDATE: The event had been canceled due to the Corona-Pandemic.
[Oct 2019] I will visit Vienna for the „1st International Artistic Research in Jazz“ Symposium and talk about research issues and propose a collaborative approach. Here, we officially founded the international Artistic Jazz Research Network with colleagues from Norway, Serbia, Austria, Australia, USA, among others.
[Sept 2019] I wrote an article about current issues in music industry: change of reception, working conditions of musicians and future challenges. It is published in the Journal of Cultural Management 2019/1.
[July 2019] Past month, I presented at the International Metal Studies conference in France. At the end of month I will publish an essay on Music economy and an article about heavy metal in the GDR.

Martin Pfleiderer und Wolf-Georg Zaddach: Jazzforschung heute. Eine Einführung | 7-17
Wolf-Georg Zaddach: »Groove is the essence of my music«. Wayne Krantz‘ guitar playing from a practice-based perspective | 133-146
[March 2019] 2-pages-Interview about my research @RockHard magazine, 3/2019!
[Oct 2018] Radio interview about my book at Deutschlandfunk
New Publication: Heavy Metal in der DDR, coming out September 2018!
[March 2018] New conference and workshop appearances in 2018: Siegen @ Hard Wired 6, for a 3Sat-report see here, Stendal about youth cultures in the GDR, Berlin/Macromedia about Music Business Studies.